RNYC Information

Bath house card and/or code

One 4-digit passcode will be issued to each slip owner. Each owner will also receive one RFID scan card. For our rental community, access cards will be issued upon receipt of the required deposit. Please see Steve Childers (Slip 25) for code or card.

Ice machine key

The yacht club ice machine is located on the north side of the bath house. Bag’s are $2.00 each and there is a slot in the middle utility room door between the men’s and women’s bathrooms to deposit the money. A key to the machine is hanging on a hook in both the men’s and women’s bathrooms. It is necessary to return the key to the hook after you obtain your ice.

Wi-Fi info

The slip owner, a designated representative of the slip owner, or a board member will be able to provide the password. Find RNYC in your wireless setting or icon and enter the password. Our website is www.rnycsh.com.

PLEASE NOTE that Wi-Fi is a convenience for RNYC members and guests. It is not to be relied upon for any business activities. The marina is also limited to the bandwidth offering due to technical limitations with the service provider.

RNYC Parking Passes

Two (2) permits and two (2) guest passes will be given to each slip owner. Renters will need to get their passes from the slip owner or their designated representative. Extra passes are available for purchase. Contact Jay Budzon.

Permanent stickers enable the owner/renter to park in the north shore lot or in the parking area in front of the bath house. Guests are required to have the hanging parking passes and are directed to park behind the bath house.

If you lose a pass, replacements can be procured through Jay Budzon (Slip 96).

Dock Master

Dennis Ross (Slip 70) is our designated Dock Master. Please report to Dennis anything that is in need of repair or replacement (lights, bath house supplies, etc.), a safety hazard, or a general concern of the club premises.

Dock side pump-out

Weekly pump out service is available during the boating season. Cost is currently $12. Envelopes are near the bike rack and behind the RNYC sign at the end of the head dock. Please complete your information, enclose your payment, and place it in the secure mailbox.

If you have questions or concerns you may contact Gary at:  269-806-2260

What is the official status of RNYC (LLC, Corporation, Association, etc)?

Any entity organized under Section 501(c) of the IRS code is considered a nonprofit organization. The most common of these and most well-known is a 501(c)3. RNYC is a tax exempt organization under the IRS guidance but not a 501(C)3, rather a 501(C)7. The difference is the following:

501(c)3 organizations must spend their income on activities that further their exempt purpose which is a charitable cause.

501(c)7 are limited to membership. Instead of operating like a business for the public, social clubs only serve members. A 501(c)7 social club organization is primarily supported by dues, fees, or similar charges paid by members. The RNYC form of organization is an “Association” in the eyes of the IRS. 

Ultimately, RNYC is an Association, where in order to be a member in the Association you must own a slip and pay dues to receive benefits of the association.

Contact Us

River Noire Yacht Club
300 Oak St, South Haven, MI 49090
Email RNYC

River Noire Yacht Club